Feb. 15th: We had Kaushik's engagement party at our house. We had alot of fun...and many people showed up. Alison, Layne, Daniel, Steph, and myself all made appetizers. They came out really, really good!!
Feb. 22nd: After our last behavioral science exam, we went to dinner at Patrick's. Its a restaurant near St. George's in this guys house. The food was okay. It was definitely an experience that you do once and never again!!! After, we all came back and played drunk pictionary. Ask me about the videos sometime...i would love to show you!!!
Feb. 22th: As stated above.....had my last Behavorial science exam. I ended up with a B in the class. Overall, I could have done better (maybe even an A), but in the grand scheme of things does an A in this class really matter??? I'm not so convinced. I would rather have an A in a 13 credit course like Pathology, than in a 5 credit course made up of stats, epidemiology, psych, ethics, and jurisprudence. Although that last class was really fun (all about how not to get sued by your patient). Great tips!!!
Feb. 25th: started Micro class. So far, its mostly review for me....although I took micro almost 10 years ago. Its slowly coming back though. I spent most of my time this week watching movies and TV. That is all about to change very, very soon.
Layne's dad came and visited from the 23rd until the 27th. We had alot of fun. Went to the beach....went on a snorkeling trip to flamingo bay and the underwater park. Made me realize that there is alot i want to do before I leave the island. I'm thinking of coming back really early next term to do some of those things...and possibly staying a week later to finish up my excursions around the island!!
On Feb. 28th, I did the emergency medicine club IV insertion clinic. And....I GOT ONE!!!!! YES!!! Finally I successfully inserted an IV....although we had no bags to hook up so blood was dribbling out of the IV caths onto the floor. I was really psyched about it. Sej was really kind to let me poke her. Thanks Sej!!!
Went to the AMSA health fair on March 1st in St. Patrick. I had alot of fun. I only did breast exams the whole time because I went with WIM. The ride there was sickening. I felt like I was going to be sick, but once i was off the bus, i felt much better. The ride home went more smoothly. Total time on the bus was 1 hr. OUCH!!
Tomorrow starts PATH!!! Its going to be alot of work....but alot of fun too....i'm hoping to learn alot. Especially since I have felt like I have been on vacation the last 6 weeks. Its time to get down to business....hopefully, i can post more soon!!!!