Monday, December 18, 2006


Okay, so i'm posting this now and i'm sure that everything will be okay. You all can read about my hairy experience later when I tell everyone about my blog!! Then we can all laugh at how close I came to not going to Medical School. Of course, if it doesn't work out, i'll just erase this blog and no one but myself will know! And then I will take a plunge off of a cliff!!! So here is my story.....

I have been very diligent with getting all of my paperwork into St. George's since I have read horror stories on about things not being processed on time and students who fell into a "limbo" stage where they sat and sat until everything was resolved (some students had to defer admission!!). So anyway, since the end of the summer I have been bugging the school to send me the financial aid information so I could start early. They kept emailing me saying, "we will release it soon!!" Well, I finally received it in early November, and I filled it out electronically that day!! Then I started to follow-up and was told everything was going according to plan.

On December 4th, the loan servicer contacted me to say that I needed to verify additional information. I did, and was told everything was all set and my application would be processed soon. About a week later, I called SGU to see how everything was going, they said "we have not received anything from Great Lakes (servicer), so I called Great Lakes. Their reply was, "we are waiting on word from your school for certification". And so I went back and forth for two whole days before SGU finally said "we got it!!". Then on Decemeber 15th (I actually have nightmares when I think of this date) I received an email stating that I was denied financial aid. I was in total shock, and spent the entire weekend worried that I would not make the January 2007 class. This morning (Dec. 18), I called the lender's representative (in regards to financial aid, lender's use servicers to weed out applicants. In this case the bank (lender) uses Great Lakes (servicer). She was incredibly nice and assured me that Great Lakes does this all the time, that is deny students for loans based on insignificant finds on credit reports. I had to do the following: re-apply for the loan on paper (instead of electronically), get denied again, allow a copy to be sent to her (lender). She would review my credit history and call me back as to whether she could override my denial. She said that would take about 1 week.

So, by the end of December I should know definitely if I will have Grad Plus loans for school, or if I have to scramble to find a co-signer for private loans for the first semester!! It really sucks that I have to sit and wait a whole week, and it's a tad bit annoying. I can only hope that everything falls into place!!!

Until the next posting (hopefully with GREAT NEWS), have a great day!!!

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