Wednesday, January 17, 2007


So this is my first official meal outside of the campus.....i had gone into the city of St. George's with friends to do some grocery shopping (this of course occurred on 1/13, so my post is a tad bit late). There is a port that docks cruise ships and they have this giant strip mall of duty free items. So, we went inside and the first thing we see is pizza. So of course we needed to eat some. I bought the vegetable slice. It had peppers, onions, corn, green beans, broccoli, and something else that was un-identifiable. However, the pizza was great!!! It was 5 ec for the slice (about $2.00) and it was oh so good!!! We were debating if we should get another. We didn't!!!

So the grocery shopping was not a great success. There is a huge farmer's type market in the city where fresh vegetables and fruits are sold. The selection was okay although it seemed that many of the farmer's had the same produce - carrots, mangos, grapfruit, oranges (which are green here), peppers, onions, etc, etc. I did pick up something called cashew. It is a fruit and tastes like a watered down version of an apple (at least to me). It was very good though. Anyway, I quickly realized that when three american medical students approached a stand, the prices suddenly jumped. I guess if you are grenandian the prices are great, but for us, it wasn't any cheaper than the over-priced supermarket. We did however get apples, gala apples. They said on the sticker, grown in the was pretty funny!!! Anyway, i was able to get 4 apples for 5 ec (about 4 for $2.00). Now you may be saying, WHOA, THAT IS A LOT!! However, in the grocery store apples were $2.69 ec EACH!!! That is almost $1/apple.

Alright, time to do some studying. I had embryology yesterday and already I can see that this class will be a big pain in the rear end in terminology. Have a great day and i'll post again soon.

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