Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunsets on the beach

Originally uploaded by tuggy8844.
Gorgeous, I know!! So, I have been studying as if my boards are tomorrow. I have midterms in exactly 8 days. Well, not just me as evident by the large amounts of students in the library on a saturday night (typically, they are all out drinking). So far, my studying is going very well. Anatomy is alot of review for me since I am picking up the material rather quickly. Histology is okay; I have seen it before in undergrad, so it's just a matter of teasing it out of my brain. Biochem is still the beast that can not be tamed!! I plan on devoting the entire day tomorrow (sunday) to tackly lipid synthesis/degradation.

So, a few weeks ago I was in the grocery store and what did I see; cake mix. So I bought it to celebrate after midterms. I figure that I will make the mix sometime on the weekend, give half of it to the girls down the hall so they can make some mini cakes (they have a toaster oven) and the rest I will gladly eat with a spoon right out of the bowl while sitting on my bed watching Legally Blonde!! I know, raw cake batter is bad for you because of the eggs, blah, blah blah. BUT, I have been a connoisseur of raw cake batter since I was in my mom's womb. So you can blame her, she is the one who gave me my first "beater to lick".

If it turns out I do contract some vile bacteria then: 1. The hospital in Grenada is on a HUGE hill overlooking the ocean and my room should have a sweet view! 2. At least my last meal before the eruptions from both ends was something I really wanted and enjoyed tremendously.

Alright, back to anatomy study. Have a great night. My next post will most likely be after my last midterm (March 9th). Hey, maybe I will write it while eating Devil Food Cake Mix!


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