Wednesday, September 01, 2010

September 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am aware that the title of this blog has alot of exclamation points. Its just my way of saying that today marks the official upload day for residency applications...and I just electronically sent my application!!! YAY!!! Of course, that was after ERAS conveniently subtracted $1525 from my bank account. Wow....applying for a job is very costly.

I have been lucky in that my application process has gone fairly well. I think it has alot to do with my preparation skills. I had most of my application completed in mid August and certified MyEras on August 27th. All of my letter writers are marked in the system, and so far, two letters are in the gate ready to go. My photo is transcript is sent. I also spent 1 week at the end of August researching all of the Emergency Residencies throughout this country and narrowed my list to 76 programs this past weekend (thank you to Microsoft and their wonderful product called the spreadsheet :).

There is only one thing I am missing. My personal statement....the paper albatross that has been swinging around my neck since March. I have tried and tried with numerous attempts and countless drafts to get it just right with no such luck. This is my opportunity to really shine and sell myself and I want it to be absolutely perfect. So, I called in some help in the from of my sister, who is not only a speed-reading demon (hello, I finished the final book of Harry Potter in 2 1/2 hours) but an equally fantastic writer. I am hoping she can help me bang out the last little details leaving me with a concise, polished, and striking statement about myself that will quickly draw the reader in and make them think "Wow, I need to meet this girl". And once that is uploaded, my application will be complete.

And then....I wait....for interview invites to roll in. I hate waiting.

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