Sunday, December 21, 2008
I'm home!!
First thing was food....I had a chicken and roasted red pepper panini at the Boulevard Diner. Then I came home to play with my puppy (and got rabies kisses!!). Then I just relaxed and watched movies and tv and went to bed really early.
So today I have alot to do. Unpack my summer clothes and pack them away in bins. Get out the little winter clothes I have. See what I need to buy in the next few days. Oh, and study. Let's not forget about the big test I have coming up!!
I hope everyone has a great day. 4 more days until christmas!!!! :)
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The end is near...
Thursday: After pharm, a little celebrating and drinking on campus..
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Where the hell have I been????
The first pathophysiology test was horrendous. Averages were really, really low (1/2 the class failed). We had a huge meeting with the directors of the course as well as the other courses, the Dean of Students, the Provost of the school, and so on....after about 2 hours of student complaints we were told the course would be curved.....good thing?? Who knows, all I know is I'm doing just fine and I haven't studied for pathophysiology since this first test and I stopped going to lectures back in September. I have been watching Kaplan videas and doing questions and studying my ass off for Step One. On the second test I did even better. So no worries here.
Speaking of which....Step One. I decided to not take a Kaplan course like many of my fellow students. I couldn't see spending $3,000 on a course for 6 weeks. Not to mention I would have to sit in lecture for 7-8 hours per day for 6 days a week. My attention span would not hold. So, back in July I decided to use this whole semester as my study time. So far its working really well. Once I get back home, I will do some practice tests to judge my weaknesses and strengths and then study my butt off for 6 weeks. I'm hoping to take the test the end of January which is much earlier than most of my friends (who will be taking it in March). I guess I'll have to see how my plan works.
Mit, Marie, Dy, Shelly, and Laura all came to visit me. YAY!!! They all came on November 8th and stayed for a week. I was so excited....its nice when friends or family can come to visit. We had a great time. We went on a hike, and river tubing, and on a sailing trip. And we went to the beach alot!! Here are some pics for you to enjoy:
Did I mention that the boat trip above had all you can drink alcohol. :)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Beach time!!
Also yesterday, our class was graced with our scores from pathophysiology. Lets just say when the class average is 64 (passing grade is 70 don't forget), it says there is definitely something wrong with the class....something we have been bitching and moaning about for 5 weeks. Remember, we are not new here. We are 2nd year medical students and I think by now we have come to know what to expect from our courses. When a class does this poorly it reflects not on us or our learning style, but on the course, professors, and total lack of planning. This is the first year for this supposed revamped and renewed Pathophysiology class...and it totally shows. Not getting handouts or lecture slides in a timely manner (sometimes weeks after the lecture), no clear objectives as to what will be on the test, telling us to post our questions on a class forum and then having no one from the department answer our questions. And then the department posting notes saying please bare with us during this time of adjustment bull****. At least the course director, in an uncharacteristic way, decided to give everyone 20 extra points for the 1st our morale would not be shot for the rest of the course. Why thank generous of you. Now, why don't you FIX THE CLASS!!! Of course, this is a one time shot of extra points and there will be no such curve on the remaining 2 tests. I can't wait to see what those averages look like!!
So last night I watched the debates. McCain really looked good compared to Obama. I'm really sick of questions be asked to Obama and he skirts around them. Just answer the question. What are YOU going to do?? I think the moderator last night asked Obama the same question, re-worded 4x and he still didn't answer it. Right now, I'm leading towards McCain....but, Palin scares me a bit.
Today I am off to the beach to soak up some much needed sun, followed by some lunch sushi. And later tonight I am baking cookies....peanut butter....yummy!! And dinner is meatball subs (something I have been craving for weeks).
Before I go...2 very funny things I have seen this week: - this is pretty hysterical if you ask me...i may just get one - what is wrong with PETA....this organization is seriously crazy!!
Alright everyone. Have a great weekend and I will update you all soon!! :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Tomorrow starts our first found of tests for term 5/6. I have pathophysiology at 1pm. Am I excited? scared? nervous? feeling like I will rock it? NO....none of the above. This is actually the first test in medical school that I have no feelings. And maybe that has alot to do with this department. See, this is an old class with a new look. The school decided to change it up a bit....which is great...change is always good. But in typical SGU fashion, they did it without a plan in place. And because of that, no one knows what to study, where to study from (lecture handouts, books, wikipedia), or really what is going to be on the test. These last 5 weeks have been extraordinary vague and we typically get the following response from the department: "please bare with us and be patient as we are new at this too and we are trying to work out the kinks". Great!! Thanks....and while you are doing are playing with MY FUTURE AS A DOCTOR!! So, needless to say I really don't know what to expect for tomorrow's test. I'm just going to go in and do the best I can and know in the back of my head that I have 2 more tests this semester to make up for this one if I bomb it!! :)
Then wednesday is clinical skills....this class is funny. We have to come in and take a midterm that only counts 8% of our total grade. No, you didn't missread that one.....8%. What a waste of time and not to mention paper. I will definitely not be studying for this one.
No...all my time after pathophysiology.....from monday night until friday at 1pm will be towards pharmacology which happens to be the biggest bear I have encountered in grenada. Now, i hate to memorize with a passion which is why classes like parasitology and microbiology gave me such trouble. This class however, takes the gigantic 5 tier wedding cake. The amount of absolute bull**** and minute details we have to "memorize" and "know" is mind boggling. I thought once we get into the hospital we have PDAs....oh, and those wonderful people that go to school for 5 years straight knowing ONLY medications....hello pharmacists!! So, i will be spending my entire weekend cramming info into my incredibly shrinking cranium only to forget about it next week.
Although I must mention that the season premiere of Grey's is thursday for 2 hours!!! So excited!! I will definitely be taking a much needed break for that.
Alright, well before I go let me fill you in on some of the things that have happened over the last few weeks:
- IGA has no ice cream (bastards)
- IGA has no soy milk (AHHH)
- Union made up of security guards, bus drivers, and other ancillary staff went on strike last week...from my perspective, this was kind of funny (only because I live off campus and have a car)
- My headphones broke (but I learned from term 2 and had a spare pair....i'm too smart!!!)
- I stopped working out for 1 week (tweeked my back)
- OBGYN prof pronounced "centimeters" as "sontimeters" (and she said it ALOT in regards to the dilated cervix and the size of the baby's head....9.5 sontimeters)
- Tom Brady got hurt (BOO FRIGGIN HOO.....little whiner)
- Farewell Yankee stadium (just sad)
Alright....i'm off to bed for some sleep before the big day of fun tomorrow. Have a great night.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Who knew....
Aren't I cute??
Furry never smiles...only smirks....
Everyone have a great night!!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
:) :)
So you have 2 teams who roll around on this oval track. When I say roll, I mean on roller skates. Remember those?? I remember being around 10 and my mom dropping me off at Midstate to skate on a friday/saturday evening. I also vaguely remember getting my own pair of skates as a present, but whether or not I had a big poofy ball on the skate boot I can't remember (or maybe I blocked it out). Anyway, back to the you have 2 teams on this oval track. Each team sends out 5 players. There are blockers, and a pacer....and the jammer. The jammer is the person who scores points. Each round lasts about 2 minutes, and the jammers for both teams try to circle the other players scoring points as they pass. Its up to the blockers to prevent the other teams jammer from scoring by knocking her down. They aren't supposed to use their hands but there was plenty of that last night (which apparently the refs were not paying attention to). If a player does do something illegal, they are sent to the penalty box and must sit there until they can rejoin the action. Overall, the game was fairly interesting. No injuries to report, which totally saddened the Doctor in me.....especially when Dy told me about the girl who broke her ankle weeks back, and bones were sticking out....I want to see BONES!!!
After the derby, we stayed to see some of the National Roller Hockey Championships. Very interesting sport as well. Its like field hockey on roller skates. Very fast paced. Honestly, I don't think I could do it....not having spent most of my time on ice hockey skates/roller blades!! :)
My last exciting news is that I ate at Panera Bread last night for dinner. I think I only ate there once before, when I used to work at the Pharmacy and my weekend warrior companions wanted to order out for dinner. I was surprised on how good it was...and how packed it was. I had the grilled chicken asian sesame salad. Very, very good. I was tempted to try a latte, but I really didn't need the caffeine at 6pm....maybe some morning I will try it. I also had a bit of Mit's chocolate chip cookie....and as she said, it was very good!!
Alright, I have some work to do today. Car is getting new tires, I need to go for a run, and do some studying. Everyone have a great day!!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
This week I am slightly busy. Have to take the car in to get its 60,000 mile check-up....also needs 2 new tires and a front end alignment. I have some pharm work to do (need to get a head start so i have more time to study for step 1).
Other than that, I am working out....trying to maintain my new figure, and just enjoying home. 5 more weeks and then its back to the grenada grind. Everyone have a great day!!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Rain, rain, rain
Saturday, June 28, 2008
So the rest of the week has been hell here...and by hell I mean really boring. I did nothing on tuesday, although I was supposed to be studying for clinical skills. I would start to study and then decide to do something else, like watch a movie, or take a nap. Wednesday's lab practical was funny because I arrived at my designated time slot and was assigned to a room only to find it was the same Doctor I had for my midterm....who happens to be very nice and fair. Then I walked down to the many pieces of paper face down with our practical exams and guess what I picked?? The same patient exam I picked for midterm. So, I told the Doctor I would do it again for her but I would really like to be tested on something else. So, I got to re-pick. So, I had to perform a respiratory exam, plus 2 minors....check for meningeal irritation and palpate the thyroid. My exam went really well, and I got an A. Then, I did nothing for the rest of Wednesday....studied a tad bit on thursday for the written. Took the written test yesterday and then.....
I saw a cricket game!!!!! Kate was nice enough to invite me to my first game and it was awesome....I had a great time. I watched Australia play the West Indies and it was really like watching a professional football team play a prison team. West Indies was okay....but Australia blew them out of the water. The only unfortunate part was I totally forgot sunscreen and I BURNED!!! My face, arms,, i'm hurting a little today. I had a great sushi dinner last night and then went out with friends to Prickly Bay to celebrate. Had a few drinks...came home..slept for a few hours....brought Layne to the airport at 3:30am... hung out for a few hours....came home and went to up at 9am...ate breakfast and here I am now!!
Today will be a fun and lazy day of packing and relaxing. If the sun comes out I may go down to the beach. Tomorrow I have laundry to do....some more packing....then, my fluffy butt gets on a plane at 5:30pm and I'm off to NYC!!! Can't wait to get with my puppy....have some real sushi....and relax!
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's Over!!!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
June 19th!!
In other news, I have been busy studying for the final Pathology test which will occur at 9 am sharp this monday. Am I prepared??? Well, I think I am. The better question is, am I prepared to answer insanely long, 10th order questions from professors who find it amusing to test us on disorders and diseases we will probably never see as physicians. Case in point.....we are constantly bombarded about this one disease called Goodpasture's which causes bloody urination and bloody cough/sputum (ask me about the pathogenesis on this one when I'm home because I know it!!). Anyway, today while I was trying to gain better insight into this disease through my search on wikipedia, I found out that Goodpasture's accounts for only 1% of ALL renal diseases. 1%!!! What?? The only doctor that will ever see this on maybe a yearly basis is a nephrologist and I know I won't be going into that field. But, we need to learn about it. Thanks Path for inundating my already swollen brain with useless material.
So, I had the opportunity tonight to try another Grenadian restaurant. We went to The Ocean Grill in St. George's. It was good. I just had a drink and appetizer....coconut shrimp and a pina colada. Yummy!!! Long story on how I ended up going out on a night when I should have been studying, but lets save that and just say that the food was very good and I definitely want to go back for lunch. If not this term, definitely next.
Well, plans for tomorrow are the following: Get up at 5:30am, make coffee and breakfast, drink coffee, wrap up breakfast, go to school, study, study, eat breakfast, study, study until 11am, workout for an hour, come home and eat lunch, shower and small nap, study, study, study, eat dinner, study, study, study, study, bedtime at 10:30pm.
Unless something really good happens this weekend (and you never know), my next post will be monday after the monstrousity. Have a great night. :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday the 13th.....
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Bummed :(
Friday, May 30, 2008
150 - 30 =
So what is next?? Well, I have decided to try and lose 2 more pounds before I leave the island. And, I have set a new overall weight goal of 125. By August that is where I want to be. Once I'm there, maintaining should be easy. Goodbye to the fluffiness!!!
In other news....I almost cried this week when my Pittsburgh Penguins were down 2-0 in the series with the Detroit Red Wings. But Wednesday put a huge smile on my face as they won game 3. I believe the next game is Saturday....hopefully they can win and even the series up.
I'm finishing up Renal Pathology today so I can work on Male Reproductive Path later. This weekend is study, study, study.... and Monday we start Endocrine Pathology (never ends....I know).
And, I leave you with this little funny moment courtesy of Yoshie, a girl in my Path group (as relayed to me by Layne). Please note that Yoshie is from Japan and english is not her first many times she is looking up words online for their meaning and definition. The sentence in the case was "He has burning micturition." So here is the exchange:
Yoshie: What is micturition.
Layne: Micturition means like he needs to pee.
Yoshie: I looked it up online and it says desire to, he has a burning desire to pee??
Layne: Laughing hysterically
Sometimes being lost in translation can be fun!!! Everyone have a great day! :)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Turtle Movie
By the is a holiday in Grenada (don't ask me what for). Its a gorgeous day, but unfortunately I will be sitting in the Vet building trying to catch up with Pathology :( I hope everyone has a great day.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So, today its back to work. Female genital tract Pathology.....Yippy!!! Everyone have a great day!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Aftermath
So, here are my results so far. Pathology went okay although I felt horrible coming out of the test. The questions were horrendously long and I almost didn't have time to finish. I felt so rushed and with many questions I simply picked my answer based on recognition alone, without really thinking the question through because I didn't have the time to think. Not to mention that the night following the Path test I had the worst dreams ever. In one of them I was sitting in front of the Path profs who were screaming at me that I was dumb and they were questioning how I ever got into SGU. Well, I still managed a low B on the test....very low B...but a B nonetheless. I still have an opportunity of attaining my goal of getting an A in this class if i work really hard in the next 6 weeks and rock the final exam. :)
The clinical skills lab exam was a joke.....JOKE!!!! Seriously, I don't know how they can say that their exams are standardized in any way shape or form with not only different patient scenarios but different tutors monitoring the exam. I did absolutely no studying for this exam, I walked in about and hour after my Path extravaganza and literally pulled the exam out of my fluffy ass....and managed a 97. My clinical tutor was really fair and unbelievably nice with her follow up questions. My exam was the following: Your patient has been diagnosed with Buerger's disease. Evaluate arterial sufficiency and report your findings. It was one of the easiest physical exams and I was done in 12 minutes. For my minor examinations I had to evaluate lymph nodes of the head and neck and check the patients sinuses for congestion. In contrast, several people I know had the unfortunate luck to pick the paper that said do a complete eye exam, which is long and tedious, and follow-up questions can be very, very hard depending on what tutor you get. I know some who did not fair as well on their exam. Luck was definitely on my side that afternoon. We have the written exam for clinical skills on monday morning and hopefully I do well.
Bye bye micro.....I officially took my last micro exam yesterday after cramming for 2 1/2 days!! Everything from the virulence factors of Streptococci to which organisms can be used for biological warfare/terrorism. Unfortunately, I barely studied for this class during the last 5 weeks because of lack of time/concentrating on Path. I wish I had the time because it is important and somewhat interesting. Who knew there were so many different E. coli strains hanging out in the large intestine. Or that rat fleas are so important in spreading dangerous organisms. But, cramming is also very helpful and rewarding when you just need to pass a test. I thought the questions were very fair so hopefully I did well. I won't know my final score until wednesday night so I'll update you all then.
Well, I was supposed to go to the beach today and do nothing but lay out and enjoy myself....but its cloudy right now and it looks like its about to pour. So, I may have to change my plans slightly (maybe some sushi and a movie instead). Either way I will just be relaxing today on an island in the carribean. Of course tomorrow is another day and I have to start my slides for Female genital tract/breast/ovary. That is right, Monday starts a whole new day and topic of Pathology. And on tuesday we start Nutrition. The work just never ends, but that is the best part of becoming a doctor!!! Have a great day!!! :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Interference by Congenital Disorders of the Newborn
So today I spent most of the wonderful Grenadian day heavily involved in pooh.....i mean, in Gastrointestinal Pathology. I covered lots of info....I only hope that I can remember it all. I did break for about an hour to listen to a Micro lecture that I skipped yesterday and I heard an amazing thing. Baby rabbits can become "aerosolized". What??? I had to rewind to listen again because I apparently missed something. So, here is the story:
The prof was taking about the bacteria Francisiella tularensis, which by the way is on the CDC's Category A list for Biological Warfare/ Terrorism Agents. He mentions a colleague in New Jersey who was mowing his lawn one day in the early spring and apparently ran over a rabbit nest full of baby rabbits. Now, some of them made it but a few were "aerosolyzed" (his words not mine). Why is this important??? Because the above virus is found in wild animals like squirrels, deer, beavers, and rabbits. It is usually transmitted by ticks and when that happens you get an ulcer form of the disease with little chance of death. But, this bacteria can also infect humans by inhalation and when that happens, you get a pneumonia form that equates with almost certain death. So, because the mower made aerosolyzed bunnies, this prof had the unfortunate pleasure of breathing in the bunny/bacteria particles. In less than a week, his cough, difficulty breathing, fever, and chills progressed to a sitting on deaths doorstep disease. The doctors had no idea what this man was suffering from. What Doctor would ever think of taking a history and physical for an incredibly sick patient and ask "So, have you mowed over any cute baby bunnies lately???" Of course, once all of the "usual suspects" for pneumonia were ruled out, and more cultures were done the doctors eventually found the bacteria, were able to treat the man and he lived. The morale of the story.....well, from my point of view, even the most obscure, rarely seen/suspected disease in humans can pop up at any time in a patient....from your point of view, don't mow over bunnies!!
Everyone have a great night!!!! :)
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Too much to type....
Yesterday I had the opportunity to have a nice break. Daniel had a friend come in to visit from Missouri. She recently graduated from school and is moving to Rhode Island for residency. So, we all (meaning Layne, Alison, Kaushik, Daniel, his friend, Gia, Amy, and Noah) went out to dinner at BB's crabshack in St. George's. I got the BB crab which is a crab and cheese sauce mix inside a crab shell. It was awesome (of course I had it before so I knew what to expect). I also ordered something new.....pumpkin fritters....basically seasoned and deep fried pumpkin........ fantastically AWESOME!! Although, since I have been eating healthy my ass (i mean rectum :) was not particularly happy with me this morning!!
I don't know if I have mentioned but I have been eating extremely well and working out since January. I made a commitment to I set a personal goal for weight loss on January 26th. I'm not going to say anything yet about how much I have lost. I'm going to wait until I reach my goal stay tuned for that update!!
So, every sunday morning Layne and I head off to campus to do laundry and workout. We get there about 7am, and are there until 8:30am. Its nice because so few people are using the washers and dryers at that time, so we are able to quickly get our stuff done plus get in a nice workout. I run on campus on these days, so because of this I normally don't eat breakfast until after my workout. Today was particularly hot. There are several steep hills I run up and I almost didn't make one. I started to get very lightheaded (my brain hates lack of food + heat + hills). But, I forced myself to keep going and felt better a few minutes later. I'm just waiting for the day when my brain says "NO MORE" and I face plant on the pavement after passing out....and then my fat fluffy behind rolls back down the hill (look out below!!!!).
Today was the IEA (honor society) mock practical and I signed up to work. Basically we set up cadaver stations for the 1st termers to practice on. It is similar to their practical final except for we ask them to fill in the blank to the questions while on the real test they get multiple choice. Today went well....I was there for about an hour. Anything I can do to help my fellow student doctor :):)
Almost forgot to mention....yesterday was Derby Day!!!!! I had to watch it on ESPN when I came home from dinner. Congrats to Big that horse is fast. Will he become the 1st triple crown winner in 30 years???? Preakness is coming up in 2 weeks, so we will soon get closer to that answer. In sad news though, farewell wishes go out to 8 Belles. You ran a hell of a race against the boys....and 2nd place is great.....too bad it ended poorly.
Well, I have to start my concept map for tomorrow. What is a concept map you say??? is one:

Every week for extra credit in Pathology we can pick a topic from the previous week and do a concept map. Last week I did the above on restrictive lung diseases. Tonight, I'm doing the Stomach. Here I come H. Pylori!! Everyone have a great night!!!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
May 1st
So, tonight was episode #2 of Grey's Anatomy. Once again, it was awesome. I really like the writing on that show.....what I don't like is how they protray the "surgery residents". Come on, like the surgery resident would be telling an HIV patient she is pregnant.....NO!!! That would be an ER resident, or an internal medicine resident, or an Ob/Gyn resident. But, I understand that they need to make some drama somewhere, i just wish it was in the OR.
My week has been fairly uneventful. Study, study, study....that is what I do. Especially since we have a tests starting May 13th. I plan on reviewing for both Pathology and Microbiology (especially since I haven't even looked at this subject for weeks) over the entire weekend. And maybe sneaking in a movie on Saturday night :) Well see how the reviewing goes. Everyone have a good night!!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
License and registration.....
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Hi vet building.....
What to talk about??? How about thursday night of my life.....why?? Because Grey's is back!!!!! I can't begin to tell you how exciting it is to look forward to something in Grenada. And I won't, because it would take all night.....just trust me.....anyway, Layne and I drove to school and sat in front of the TV at the student lounge and had the stupidest grins on our faces for an entire hour. Of course, all good things must come to an end....but then there is next Thursday!!!!!! I'm so overjoyed, i can't control myself right now!! And here is a spoiler...Addison's back!!!!
I'm getting comments from some that are asking "who exactly are your roomates??" Good, sit back and relax as you watch my roommates in action!!!
Yes, my roommates are funny!! But they are also all around great. It has been a joy to live with them this term....and I think because of them, I'm not such a Grenada hater (I'll have to fill you in on this at a later time now....sorry). Anyway, I love them!!! And I am also very grateful to have them around.
Well, time to get back to reviewing. I'm finishing up Cardio path now....then it's on to red blood cell disorders. Tomorrow, I get to start my slides for GI which we start on Monday. 2 weeks....we have tests!!!! I know I'll do fine in pathology.....don't even get me started with Micro though. Everyone have a great night.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
EXTRA EXTRA read all about it....monkey traps human!!!
While doing infectious pathology, our professor, female bush (there is a male bush also...they are married) says something close to the following: Toxic shock syndrome toxin is found in toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome happens when you use intra vaginal tampons. Excuse me....INTRA vaginal tampons....I guess being a woman I assumed ALL tampons were supposed to go INTO the vagina, so having that descriptive word seemed funny. Maybe there are EXTRA vaginal tampons....or INTER vaginal tampons (if you have a rectal-vaginal fistula).
Another pathology NOT so funny.....while doing environmental pathology, our professor, while trying to explain the effects of radiation on the body says: Hiroshima was an accident. the Enola Gay just happened to be flying over Japan during WWII with an H bomb on board for what??? a sight seeing mission??? when whoops....the pilot hit the wrong button....sorry Japan....I will say that I do have a friend here from Japan who is in my path group and she did not take kindly to that comment. And, it was said twice during the lecture.
How about microbiology.....we recently finished up gastrointestinal infections with Dr. Ro** (sorry, can't use her real name). She is a really great professor. But on to the point, at the end of last friday's lecture she says: "I know how you feel about alot of the lecturers here, but i can honestly say and you can honestly now tell people back at home that you have heard a lecturer talk about absolute crap for a whole week and it actually means something".
But the cake of all cakes comes from today's microbiology lecture. Our visiting professor, who was gracing us with his knowledge on central nervous infections was talking about the Simian B virus. This is a virus that is found in monkeys, yet can be transferred to humans who work closely with these animals. And how does this process occur?? Well, monkeys lay traps for humans!!! Thats right....they gather in the dark corners of their cages in research laboratories plotting and planning on how to get those evil, devilish humans. At least this is the story we were told today. I've never been in a monkey testing laboratory, so maybe its true!!
Well, I have to get back to lung pathology. Need to finish my slide on saddle embolism. I hope you all have a great night. :)
Friday, April 18, 2008
The weekend is here to save me......
In pathology we were learning about hematopoeisis which includes disorder of red blood cells and white blood cells. There was alot of information as usual. Unfortunately, I did not have the time that I had hoped to prestudy and review before both class and lab. And because of that, for the first time, I felt lab was a complete waste of time. I wasn't learning the material. Our tutor would throw out numbers to us that I franticly wrote down yet had no clue what it meant. He would ask questions that were good for remembering and learning, except I felt I didn't even know the material yet and therefore could not answer anything. On top of this, we were given a new assignment on Tuesday called a CPC that was due on Thursday. Basically its a clinical case that we need to write up and then present to our group. The case was very long and detailed, and instead of my original plan of studying on Wednesday night, I spent over 3 hours doing this assignment. So I felt more behind yesterday than I have ever felt in medical school before.
On top of Path, we had clinical skills all week where we learned head and neck exams, eyes, ear, and throat exams, and all of the anatomy and clinical stuff related to those structures. Our first quiz is on monday and I honestly feel like I have no time this weekend to learn the material. I am not so worried about the actual exams, but knowing the questions and patient presentations requires me to read the clinical book. NO TIME!!!
I also have to find some time to squeeze in Micro study on the GI tract organsims that we learned this week. AHHHHH!!!
With all of this I am still hopeful. This morning I put a good plan into place for myself regarding this weekend. Hopefully by Sunday night I will learn everything I need to know. Of course, we start Lung path, clinical skills exams for cardiovascular and central nervous system organisms in Micro all on Monday. A big thank you to whoever devised the weekend!!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
April 10th??? Already....what happened to March
So, last week was test week. I got my grades back. A "B" in micro and an "A" in Path. I was very happy with the Path grade....really pissy with Micro. The questions were not in the least bit representative of what we should know as Dr's. I felt with some questions I was taking a reading/vocab test. Others I felt weren't even covered and therefore, I needed to use my best "which one sounds more micro" guessing abilities. I still have a shot to get an A in micro....I just have to really work hard for the last test. Path, I am extremely happy with. I only hope I can do as well on the remaining tests (2 more to go).
So, on saturday, I decided to take the entire day and treat myself at a resort here in Grenada called La Source. I went with my roomates, Layne and Alison, Layne's sister Danielle, and Kaushik. It was awesome!!! We paid for a day pass from 9am-6pm that included breakfast, lunch, snacks, and unlimited alchohol. Not to mention use of their pools, water activities, golfing and tennis courts. It was so nice. They also have a full spa there, but I decided against any treatments as I was trying to conserve money. But, I did learn how to play cricket from the staff there. I'm not saying I was any good at it, but I tried!!! Here are some pics....please excuse the fluff...i'm trying hard to lose it!!!
Before any of you email me to say "is this what i'm doing in medical school", you should note that this was ONE DAY of relaxation and fun since January 14th. So, I don't want to here it!!!
Alright....i have lots of Cardiovascular Path to study. Need to catch up since next week we start a new topic....hematopoeitic system!!! Sounds like loads of fun. Have a great night everyone!!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
April 1st!!!
That is Issac and Me with our wonderful certs (we are both a little tipsy in this pic). So then, on Easter Monday, which is a holiday here in Grenada....why I don't know, but we have off from school.....Alison, Layne, and myself decided to go horseback riding. It was a great are some pics:
So, I was riding the horse named Princess who just happened to be pregnant....great combo for me!! Overall, the scenery was fantastic and we only payed for an hour but ended up being on the horses longer. Oh, forgot to mention that in order to get to the horse trail, we had to take this incredibly long and bumpy dirt pavement....just dirt....i felt like I was in the wild west back in the late 1800' know, California gold rush style!!!!
Well, now its time to concentrate on Micro which is friday. I will definitely try to post more pics and stories this weekend!!! Have a great week!!!