Thursday, July 03, 2008

Rain, rain, rain

So I leave rainy Grenada to come home to rainy Upstate NY....AHHHH!! Actually, I don't mind because one of my favorite things to do is run in the rain, and this morning it poured!!!

So, my flight home was not very fun. Here is the story: I decided to get to the airport around 2pm, check my bags in, and then hang out at home until my 6:10pm flight. I found out the flight was postponed until 9:30pm. So, I went back home, took a nap, played on the computer and then around 6:30pm, I decided to walk to the airport because a large, dark cloud was rolling in. Then, I waited, and waited, and waited some more until 11:15pm when we finally boarded the flight. Funny short story....I got to my seat to find a Grenadian sitting in my seat. I said "Excuse me sir, you are in my seat" and he responded by saying "It took you long enough to get on the damn flight so you gave your seat up". I looked around....hardly anyone was on the flight yet because they were still back in the terminal (I was one of the first 25 to make it to the plane). Anyway, I decided not to be nice....I told him to get up out of my seat or I would make a huge scene.....he moved.....of course, he grumbled the entire time and was not very pleasant, but I slept most of the way to NYC anyway.

Landing in New York at 5:30am was great!!! Then I made my way to the Jet Blue terminal, checked into my flight, had some coffee and breakfast, and waited for my flight....which was also delayed, but for which I could care less because I was stuck in an American airport with Dunkin!!

Home has been really nice so far. I have gone to all my favorite places....Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Marshall's.....and, I had really good sushi Monday night!! Spicy tuna and an avocado vegee roll....:)

Today I'm heading out with the family to Saratoga for a nice relaxing vacation. I'll be sure to take some pics and post them next week. Everyone have a great day!!!

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