On friday I ventured out to Rochester NY to visit Alana. Of course, one mention of Rochester and my step-dad was begging to come along. I, being the nice one I am, said yes...and he took the day off from work to drive out with me. While he was out walking the locks of the old Erie Canal, Alana and I saw the new Batman movie....which should be called "That movie with Heath Ledger". After the movie, Alana, Fur and myself headed over to TGIFs for dinner. It was almost 8pm and Fur and I were planning on leaving when he asked if we could see the old railroad tracks in the city. Always up for an adventure, I said yes. I lived in Rochester for almost 2 years, yet I had never really appreciated the history or architecture within the city itself. It was really beautiful and I am happy I went. Of course I had to listen to Furry's stories (he thinks he is a huge history buff regarding the Erie Canal :) :) Here are some pics:

Aren't I cute??

Furry never smiles...only smirks....
Everyone have a great night!!
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