Friday, October 15, 2010


Today at 1:30pm marked the last time I would set foot in MICU as a 4th year medical student in an elective on the 7th floor of Coney Island Hospital...can you tell how happy I am?? ;) The fellows were great, the patient diversity in terms of disease was great, the attendings were great but the 4 hour rounds in the morning were dreadful. The only good thing...I found a new game on Itunes called Pocket Frogs and now I am addicted!! Basically you have to grow and tame frogs, then breed them, then sell them for money. Its like the stock market for medical students on ICU rotations!! So far I am up to 4 scenaries and 32 frogs!!

Monday, I start Cardiology and I am hoping for the best. My main goal is to become more comfortable with reading ekg's and knowing which medications to use for the different cardiac pathologies. I will keep you informed of my progress...

By the way, I am celebrating my end of the 4 week rotation in MICU by drinking (and finishing) the half a bottle of Saki in my refrigerator while simultaneously cleaning up my external hard drive from the endless crap I have stored over 4 years. Panic set in at one point when I thought I deleted an entire file of really, really, REALLY important information.....only to realize that in my buzzed state I had the wrong file open....haha!!!

Tomorrow is a very busy day which includes: getting up, drinking coffee, eating breakfast, working out, going to the post office, tanning, taking my suit jacket to the tailor, and eating lunch. And that is all before 1pm, so the remainder of the day has yet to be determined. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe friday night!!! :)

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