Tuesday, October 12, 2010

That sucked....

So, last night I was in the middle of blogging about my weekend and my Columbus Day off, when a giant storm composed of thunder, lightning, rain, and hail swept through Brooklyn. I didn't lose power (Go National Grid) but Comcast was not so reliable....internet gone....blog gone. I really can't remember my entire blog and don't want to spend the time trying to remember, so today is a new day which means a new blog.

First things first...I hate my school. Even more now then ever before. On Friday I got a nice email from my clinical coordinator informing me that the Family Medicine elective I scheduled in Schenectady is out of network. That basically means that I would have to spend a ton of time, energy, and money trying to get the elective approved. Family medicine is in very high demand because you need the elective to practice in California and Texas AND there are not enough spots for all the students that want it. I was a little pissed, so I emailed the associate director of ClinEd who back in March had told me about this rotation and asked her what was going on. I heard back from her today. Good news....the elective is still an affiliated elective and I should have no problems with paperwork. Although I am happy everything has worked out, I still feel like making a voodoo doll of my clinical coordinator and poking it about 100 times for the scare she gave me!! If only I knew what she looked like....

This is my last week in Medical ICU. I'm kind of happy about it because these daily rounds that take 4 hours are killing me. Although, I have found a way to make the time go by alot faster. I downloaded Angry Birds from the Itunes Store last night and spent all morning playing. I am on level 14....and the time flew by!!!

Tonight I am in a mental tug of war as to what to do with myself...specifically where to eat. I have been extraordinarily good in my eating and thanks to Insanity I have slimmed down and I am looking good :) Tonight is an off day where I get to rest and I am thinking that sushi is in order. Of course, where there is sushi there is saki!! My other option is to order in some chinese (steamed of course) and watch a movie...and I have saki in my fridge as well :) :) Right now....sushi is winning.

Well, I hope everyone as a great night. Talk to you soon.

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