Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunsets on the beach

Originally uploaded by tuggy8844.
Gorgeous, I know!! So, I have been studying as if my boards are tomorrow. I have midterms in exactly 8 days. Well, not just me as evident by the large amounts of students in the library on a saturday night (typically, they are all out drinking). So far, my studying is going very well. Anatomy is alot of review for me since I am picking up the material rather quickly. Histology is okay; I have seen it before in undergrad, so it's just a matter of teasing it out of my brain. Biochem is still the beast that can not be tamed!! I plan on devoting the entire day tomorrow (sunday) to tackly lipid synthesis/degradation.

So, a few weeks ago I was in the grocery store and what did I see; cake mix. So I bought it to celebrate after midterms. I figure that I will make the mix sometime on the weekend, give half of it to the girls down the hall so they can make some mini cakes (they have a toaster oven) and the rest I will gladly eat with a spoon right out of the bowl while sitting on my bed watching Legally Blonde!! I know, raw cake batter is bad for you because of the eggs, blah, blah blah. BUT, I have been a connoisseur of raw cake batter since I was in my mom's womb. So you can blame her, she is the one who gave me my first "beater to lick".

If it turns out I do contract some vile bacteria then: 1. The hospital in Grenada is on a HUGE hill overlooking the ocean and my room should have a sweet view! 2. At least my last meal before the eruptions from both ends was something I really wanted and enjoyed tremendously.

Alright, back to anatomy study. Have a great night. My next post will most likely be after my last midterm (March 9th). Hey, maybe I will write it while eating Devil Food Cake Mix!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day to all. Hopefully, you are having a great day!!

I just realized that I have not posted here in a very long time. The reason for this is biochem is VERY HARD!!! First, I digress: i am taking 4 classes this semester which are biochemistry, anatomy, histology, and clinical skills. Anatomy is a beast requiring lots of time for structure knowledge and relationship to other structure knowledge. Biochem is the devil requiring lots of time for good old memorization. Because of the above two classes, I have not put any effort or time into Histology. I have taken histo in the past, and thus have a slight advantage. However, histo should not be taken lightly and unfortunately that is what i'm doing right now!!!

I have decided that to effectively study for biochem, I need to repeat the reactions and cycles over and over and over again. I do it everynight, and on the days we have lecture, I add more to my memorization list. So far tonight I have been through: glycolysis, beta oxidation, alpha oxidation, carnitine shuttle, malate aspartate shuttle, glycerol phosphate shuttle, electron transport chain, TCA cycle, synthesis of ketones and their use, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, gluconeogenesis, and hormone transduction signaling. Not only have I been going over all of the pathways, but also all of the diseases and genetic abnormalites that are associated with these pathways.

Did I mention that my brain is not happy with me right now; that it is screaming like it is being hacked up by a machette, and that all of it's oligodendrite wrapped axon sheaths are unable to effectively communicate via acetylcholine neurotransmitters across the synaptic cleft! OH MY GOD, I WAS ABLE TO LEARN SOMETHING IN HISTO LECTURE TODAY!!!

Although I feel a little overwhelmed sometimes, I must be doing something right. We recently took our Unified Quiz. It is basically a 25 question per subject quiz (75 in total) taken in 2 hours. It allows the student to evaluate their study methods and in the event they do bad on the quiz, change said study methods before the midterm in 3 WEEKS!!! Well I got the following grades: 22/25 in anatomy, 20/25 in biochem, and 19/25 in histo (due to my non-study habits in this class). Hopefully, these grades will be a major reflection on my midterm grades; as long as I keep studying my butt off every night!!!

Well, it is getting late and I should wrap it up and head on home for bed. My day starts early tomorrow morning at 7 am (which happens to be the time my day always starts). Have a good night and I'll hopefully post soon