Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Passed and Passed

It is official....I passed CS and CK!!! I am very excited right now and i wish I could come up with the proper way to show my enthusiam on a blog :)

I was particularly worried about CS. I know I am good with patients, with information gathering, and note taking. But to do all of that in a timed setting is tough. Its great to know that I passed, and that I will never have to pay $1200 to take that test again!!!

My CK score surprised me. I came out of the test very confident knowing that I had done at least as good as my Step I score. I got 6 points less :( A little disappointed. But, I can't do anything about it now because its done and over with. The only thing left to do is kick butt in my 4th year electives and get awesome letters of recommendation.

I started my 3rd week of Peds ED in the Bronx. So far it is going well. I am learning alot. Yesterday I was able to suture 2 head lacerations. And last week I stapled 2 scalp lacerations. Its interesting to think that in about 2 weeks I will be done with this rotation completely and on to the next. That, to me, is the best part about 4th year :)

Okay, I am working the 8pm-8am shift tonight so I have to eat dinner and get ready. I hope everyone has a great night!!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Where is the time going??

Wow, already June 2010. Before long it will be June 2011 and I will be graduating :) :) :)

I had every intention of blogging while home and for some reason, I just never did it. Its all kind of funny how it works in my head; as I sit at the computer in the morning sipping my coffee I think "I should blog, but I'll do it later". Then later comes and I'm doing something else. And soon it is bedtime and as I am about to fall asleep I remember I was supposed to blog and I think "I'll do it tomorrow". Multiplied by a few days and you get long blogging draughts (as many of you have noticed). Again, I will try to blog more....but I can't promise you anything ;)

Where did I leave off?? Oh yes, I successfully sat for Step 2 CK on May 18th!! I was hoping that all of my brain cells would show up. Many did....a few stayed home. Its really hard to know what a test like this will ask. I tried to study and know all, but sometimes that seems like an overwhelming task. In the end I go into tests like these saying to myself "you are prepared, you will kick ass" but deep down I just hope that the test asks me something I know....and can answer. For many questions I knew the answer, but then there were some that I was like "what the f***???" I get my results in 2 weeks so lets hope it is good news. Note to anyone wanting to take the test at Penn Plaza....apparently you can not eat in the building, except at the coffee shop on the ground floor (building management policy). So, for food breaks I was to get into the elevator, go down 19 flights, walk to the coffee shop, and eat. Since that would cut into my precious break time, I did what all the other testers were doing that day....going to the bathroom and eating in there. Although there were signs posted everywhere saying "NO EATING, NO DRINKING", none of us really cared.

After the test, I packed up my things and headed home for 10 days!!! It was awesome, seeing, friends, 2 stupid dogs!! Here is a quick run down of everything I did:
- I was able to see Dr. Hess and Lynn (I loved seeing both of them, I missed them so much)
- Saw 3 of Mit's softball games which allows me to see basically everyone I know all in one convenient place :)
- Saw my Uncle Dave and his girlfriend Debbie who has been dating my uncle for years but because of this medical school thing I have been unable to meet
- Went to the Mohawk field days and saw Gridley Paige and my favorite bass player :) :)
- Went to a Saranac Thursday (first one in about 4-5 years)
- Had a really nice lunch at Red Lobster courtesy of my grandmother
- Did some major gardening for my mom (the spiders in upstate NY are getting bigger and bigger)
- Had a coffee date with an old friend
- Played with my puppies ALOT, and of course gave them both a bath
- And many more things that I'm sure I am forgetting right now, but also enjoyed :) :)

And now, I'm back in Brooklyn. I am starting my 1st official rotation of 4th year (by the way, let me just say I'M A 4TH YEAR!!!!!!!!). As soon as my urine tox comes back I will be working at the Pediatric emergency department at Lincoln hospital. Lets hope that I keep you all informed of my progress throughout 4th year, because knowing me, my next post could be "I'm graduating"!!! HAHA. I hope everyone has a great day.