Sunday, May 08, 2011

I'm O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L!

Or as my step-dad said to me: you have been telling us you were doing this medical school thing for the last 4 years, and now I believe you! :)

I have finally received that magic piece of paper that says "MD" after my name. And I can't begin to describe what that feels like. It has been a long four years...traveling for two years to a caribbean country, living in that country, living in NYC, living on next to no money, eating pasta almost every night (and the list can go on for ever). Through all of that and more...I did it. I made it!! And I am so very happy :)

So, from this moment on you will all address me as "Doctor"! Just kidding :) Although, I have this urge to call up my credit card company and have them send me a new card with the letters "MD" after my name.